Grace Happens

Grace Happens

posted in: Spirituality

Article by Max Highstein

Grace is the wild card at the intersection where your will meets your destiny.

Your will is what you want for yourself, and the energy you apply toward that.

Your destiny is life’s current trajectory for you. Your trajectory, or direction forward, is determined by all your past experience, your current environment and situation, the lessons your soul wants to learn, and what the Creator wants for you.

Opportunities to change our trajectory are coming all the time. At certain points there are large windows of opportunity – periods of extraordinary grace that offer us the chance to make changes more easily than usual. But every moment is an opportunity for us to either stay on our current path, or make a shift. Most of our shifts are small. But many very small shifts taken together can completely change our course over time, landing us in a very new place.

The best way to receive grace is to ask for it. Deep, sincere, heart centered prayer makes a difference. The prayer that I find most meaningful is one that includes what God wants for me as the main ingredient, as opposed to what I want for myself. Of course I include what I want for myself in there too, because we all have a will, and a God-given ego, for a reason. It’s part of the plan here in Earth School. And because I’m a human being, and we do tend to want things.

So, my typical prayer sounds something like this:

Dear God,

Please help me to open to receive your love

And please help me let go of anything within me that’s in the way.

Here are the things I think I want, but please help me to open to what you want for me, and to learn what you want me to know about all this.

When I pray that way, it seems to put both my ego and God into the best possible perspective. It often results in my changing my mind about what I want and what I need. And it usually results in my feeling more whole and connected inside. And that in itself is grace, isn’t it?

I become more graceful (full of grace) when I let go of my notions about what I need, and what I think is necessary for myself and my own comfort. Ironically, the more I let go of what I think I need for my own comfort, the more comfortable I become.

I do love being comfortable. Human beings are like that.



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